One Good Photographer's Weblog

A Tree Grows in HB

Posted in Huntington Beach, School by Bridget Casas on December 27, 2008

We went for a walk yesterday with the dogs and ended up at Golden West College. It was a very cold but beautiful day. I have shown you a few of these trees in black and white, but I was attracted to these roots. I thought it was interesting the way the roots were spread out so far over the ground. There were no people around so it was a nice walk. I took some other photos and I will share with you at a later time.


Great contrast of colors…

GWC was founded in the early 1960’s. These trees probably had a few years on them when they were planted. Over the years, they have become so beautiful and I hope they are there always. We got The Dark Knight from Netflix yesterday – probably watch tonight. We watched Hancock last night – pretty bad. Sunday is Willie’s birthday and we talked a little bit this morning about what he wants to do. It will be his day and I am hoping he chooses to go out to dinner!


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