One Good Photographer's Weblog

Getting My Ducks in a Row

Posted in Huntington Beach, Personal, Photography by Bridget Casas on April 4, 2009

I was at Calumet the other day in Santa Ana and I purchased a large Portacube (24″ x 24″).  It  folds up for ease in carrying and storage. I want it for product shots and some of my own personal photos. I tried it this morning with these crystal ducks my mother gave me a long time ago. We were on one of our fun trips to Las Vegas and she bought them in a shop at Caeser’s Palace. They had a purple one I wanted her to get, but she chose not to buy it. If you ever see one, let me know!  The cube will work out great – much better than the box Willie and I made! I know I will get a lot of use out of it.


Beautiful ducks with the cutest little tails…

It is a beautiful Saturday here in Southern California! The sun is out and the sky is a beautiful color blue. We had a great dinner last night with Larry and Shelley. However, we did have a last minute change of venue. The Italian place we were going to is not there anymore – a sign of the times. We went to another restaurant and had a good time. Even there, at 7:00 on a Friday evening, we were the only one’s in the restaurant, all the other customers were in the bar!


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My Little Yellow Ducky

Posted in Personal, Photography by Bridget Casas on February 26, 2009

It was a sunshiny morning so I wanted to take advantage of it and take a pretty shot of my little yellow ducky. Isn’t he cute? He is made from beautiful Lalique crystal in France. This was given to me by the same dear friend who gave me my beautiful Lalique butterfly. I miss my friend. My ducky has cute little web feet, feathers on his back and wings with a very strong bill and sharp eyes.


How I love my little yellow duck…

He doesn’t go swimming too much. He is just to look at and enjoy. Class was good last night. The instructor is so good and really wants us to learn a lot. It is a fun class and I enjoy going. Learning CSS code is like learning another language! He is willing to help me with my website and the one I started in Flash class last semester for Frank Monise Motors. I still have a few photos to take for my Saturday morning class. Maybe this afternoon we can go to the park. Until tomorrow…!


Two Homeless Ducks

Posted in Family, Photography by Bridget Casas on September 20, 2008

These two ducks have been in my backyard for over six months.  They move around from place to place and have not been able to find a permanent home and settle in.  They do not bother us or the dogs and we think they are kind of cute.  They don’t seem to like being stuck in a corner. One day they will find their place; they have a lot to choose from.  My advice, stay away from the dogs!

Two Homeless Ducks

Two Homeless Ducks

I realize this photo is not showing any real photographic talent, it is just a photo taken in my backyard.  However, I wanted to share the ducks with you.  It was a beautiful day yesterday. It almost felt like there were some Santa Anas starting up. Makes it feel like Fall –  I love that feeling. We will see what today brings. There is always updating my website, this blog, doing math and working on some Flash homework.  I guess I could throw in some housework.  My life is so exciting!



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