One Good Photographer's Weblog

Huntington Beach Coastline

Posted in Huntington Beach, Photography by Bridget Casas on March 19, 2009

This is a photo I took from the Huntington Beach pier late one recent evening. It was a chilly evening but there were still some diehards on the beach. Lights are starting to flicker on. The water is blue and silvery with the setting sun glistening down. Winter and early spring is a great time to go down to the pier. I guess any time of year is a good time!


A wintery evening in Surf City…

The weather was starting to warm up a little but now I hear we may have some rain this week-end. It changes from day to day! Class was good last night and we are learning a lot about CSS and Spry Widgets. I have some photos to do for my Saturday morning class and some more work on my slide show. My work is never done! I am glad I do not have a class tonight – I can sit and relax with Willie and the dogs!


My Scary, Ferocious Donnan!

Posted in Family, Photography by Bridget Casas on October 9, 2008

Donnan was barking at me so loudly with his tail sticking straight up!  I guess he did not want his picture taken! I was trying to get a photo of Kyla and Donnan together, but they were not cooperating.  Willie was not around to help me control them – but this is a cute photo of Donnan.  He has a little sun shining on him and that looks pretty. He looks like he has a little red hair like Kyla. Red hair on a Wheaten is a real no no, according to AKC rules! Update: no change in his growth. 

A Mad Wheaten Terrier

A Mad Wheaten Terrier

My new tripod and ball head arrived. Willie played around with them a little.  I need to read the booklet to make sure I understand everything. Couldn’t be that difficult! I also got a new Lightroom 2 book – great program and I want to learn more and more! For your information, there is a live camera feed at the Huntington Beach Pier. You can move the camera around and see the waves, the shore and the pier.  Pretty cool! Have you checked out “go to random blog” yet? – should do it! Hot here yesterday – 80°+.


Foggy Day at Huntington Beach Pier

Posted in Photography by Bridget Casas on September 27, 2008

The Huntington Beach Pier Plaza is where an outdoor maket is held every Friday afternoon. About one block from the pier we could see that it was shrouded in fog. There was not much happening at the market. I bought some asparagus that we had with dinner –  delicious! They sell different things there; the typical fruits, vegetables, breads, cakes, but also jewelry, flowers and surfboard shaped rugs, among other things.

HB Pier on a Foggy Afternoon

HB Pier on a Foggy Afternoon

As you can see from the photo, there were many people there having a good time despite all the fog. It was a little chilly, but at our house just a few miles away it was sunny and warm.  It was fun walking around and the dogs enjoyed it too. It is great being close to the ocean.  I love Huntington Beach!

Diehard Huntington Beach Visitors

Posted in Photography by Bridget Casas on September 25, 2008

At this time of year there are many visitors to Huntington Beach. It was very warm yesterday, upper 70’s, low 80’s. The next few days will be that way too. This photo is looking north from the pier. Looking at the photo closely, you can see a kite flying, a surfer carrying his surfboard, many surfers in the water and way in the back on the right are people sitting on the sand.  I bet if I take the same photo in December, it won’t look much different!  Doesn’t the water look silvery and sparkily?

Huntington Beach Shoreline

Huntington Beach Shoreline

Oh well!  Willie likes to go down to the beach to walk around.  He used to be an avid surfer, every Sunday morning, but he hasn’t done it in a long time.  Maybe one day…  There is a great dog park at the beach also, several blocks north of the pier. It is fun to take the dogs but they get so dirty.  You have to plan because they definitely need a bath when we get home.  I have Flash class tonight. I am hoping to learn enough to integrate some flash into my website!


Saturday Evening at Huntington Beach Pier

Posted in Photography by Bridget Casas on September 21, 2008

There were many people at the pier last night. Willie and I got there about 7:00 as the sun was beginning to set. There was surfing, volleyball and some fishing going on.  This photo shows part of the pier and a few surfers in the ocean (the black dots in the water).  It was a beautiful evening except those clouds back there are hiding Santa Catalina Island, 26 miles across the sea! Huntington Beach is Surf City, USA!

Huntington Beach Pier

Huntington Beach Pier

Larry came by and got some stuff out of the garage yesterday. One of these days we may actually be able to put a car in there!  No Santa Anas – maybe today.  Kyla is back to her old self now running around and barking at Donnan a lot so he will play with her.  I am happy for that. Is there anyone out there looking at any of this?
