One Good Photographer's Weblog

Food Photography With the Lensbaby

Posted in Huntington Beach, Photography by Bridget Casas on July 7, 2009

Well, I have done Lensbaby a few times this month and food photography a few times this month, so this image uses them both. I messed with my diopter yesterday to see if I could get a better focus with my glasses on. I tried today and it is a little better. Can you really get a sharp center focus with the Lensbaby 2.0 and have  it flair out from the center? That is what I was trying with this image. It is a little better. My last two food images were of healthy fruit, I saw this and thought, what the heck, let’s use something not healthy!


Colorful, forbidden “fruit”…

Watching the Dodger game now – they are beating NY Mets 5-0, 5th inning. We’ll see how it ends! Willie just left for Long Beach. The full moon rises at 8:35 tonight. Maybe I will go take a photo. But, when you have taken one good full moon photo, another one is not going to be any different! Filled out Willie’s means test today for the VA (he is a Vietnam veteran). He will see his doctor tomorrow about his smashed finger. I am not sure what time. I forgot to say that I used my +4 Lensbaby macro filter on this image. I tried the +10, but I would have only shown you about 1/2 a dozen candies in the middle! I cannot believe Gary Sheffield is still play baseball!


More Food Photography

Posted in Huntington Beach, Photography by Bridget Casas on July 6, 2009

This afternoon I was getting myself some watermelon to snack on. I cut it up and put it in a white bowl. It looked so pretty, I thought I would photograph it and give it a place in my weblog since I did a peach yesterday. Plus it gives me a chance to practice some food photography. Don’t they have stylists to help make everything look pretty? When I downloaded the images I realized I should have had the bowl on maybe a red checkered cloth so it would stand out. But, alas, I had already eaten it!


Sweet, juicy delicious watermelon…

I changed the banner image at the top of my weblog. In case you forgot, it was a black and white image of the tree branches and shadows. I thought I would go for something colorful. I got the idea from a tweet by Helen Bradley today. It is another beautiful day today here in Huntington Beach. I hope you don’t get tired of me saying that! Pretty soon it will get hot and I will be complaining about that! Hope you can find some good watermelon to enjoy or whatever else is your favorite fruit. I should do a poll and see what kind of answers I get!


What is Your Favorite Summertime Fruit?

Posted in Huntington Beach, Photography by Bridget Casas on July 5, 2009

Are you a fresh yellow peach fan? or do you like white nectarines better? How about watermelon or some nice bing cherries? These are all good, but personally I cannot decide between peaches or watermelon. I had some of both today. I cut this peach in half to photograph. It started turning brown and kind of funny looking after a very short time. I gave Willie half of it then came to download the images. Then he ate the other half! I will remember that! He said it was real good!


A juicy, succulent peach…

I took this with my +4 macro filter sitting on some white matt board. You can see a lot of moistness on the peach. There are two more in the kitchen so I will get another one. It was an absolutely beautiful day today. Larry and Shelley got home early from the mountains. He said the parade yesterday was fun and then they saw fireworks in the evening. They have photos on their website (check the sidebar for the link to their site). Looks like a lot of people were up there! Hope your week-end was a lot of fun!


Some Fruits of Summer

Posted in Huntington Beach, Photography by Bridget Casas on June 10, 2009

We went grocery shopping today, not one of my favorite things. I loved the way this fruit looked, so fresh and vibrant, I was glad that I had my little camera in my purse. The whole produce department was so colorful – wish I could photograph all of it. I love watermelon – I think it is probably my favorite fruit. Willie is fond of mangos – my mother used to like them too. I am not much for coconuts, but they are a very interesting looking fruit! I bought some strawberries (on sale for $.99 for one pound) – how could I go wrong! Hopefully we will not need to go to the store for a while!


I love the colors of the mangos…

We were busy today and had a lot of errands aside from the grocery store. I watched a little of a new lesson this morning on Photoshop layers. They really have a lot of good lessons. The blend modes one was the best ever! I recommend them to anyone who wants to learn about any of the digital arts or photography, etc. I do not know how they compare to the Kelby Training. I have never tried any. I am sure they are very good also. Can anyone let me know how the Kelby Training is?


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