One Good Photographer's Weblog

An Addition to the Family

Posted in babies, Canon 7D, Casas, Family, Larry and Shelley, Lily, Photography by Bridget Casas on December 19, 2011
Canon 7D, Raw, EF-S17-55, 33mm, f/11.0, 1/20, ISO 2000

Well, here is Lily meeting her new baby brother Ian, and vice versa of course.  He was really staring at her. She seemed to like him too. It’s an adjustment for all of them. I asked Shelley the other day if it was easier with Ian this time around. She said with him, yes, but Lily is another factor thrown in. They are all awake at night a lot, but they also couldn’t be happier. We took some newborn photos at their home on Saturday and will do a lot more Christmas morning. I will be sharing more with you. I didn’t do much to this photo:  a little white balance adjustment, noise reduction and a small curves adjustment to make sure all is right.


Miss Lily at 19 Months Old

Posted in babies, Canon 7D, Casas, Family, Huntington Beach, Larry and Shelley, Lily by Bridget Casas on October 16, 2011
Lily Marie Casas

Canon 7D, Raw, EF-S17-55mm, 48mm, f/4.0, 1/200, 100 ISO

As you can see, she is really growing up. I was watching her play the other day and she does so much now. She climbs up on her little slide by herself and her feet even touch the ground when she sits in her little plastic chair! I liked this photo of her because you can see some of her little razor-sharp teeth and she is looking at the camera with a smile on her face. I brought the photo into camera raw and made a few adjustments. Then in Photoshop, I did a levels adjustment so the colors would pop. The biggest thing I did was crop it so she is at one side of the image. This looks much better than her being centered. What is she going to think of her new brother Ian coming in December? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!


In Her Pretty Red Skirt

Posted in babies, Canon 7D, Casas, Family, Huntington Beach, Larry and Shelley, Lily, Photography by Bridget Casas on April 9, 2011
Lily Marie in her red tutu.

Canon 7D, Raw, EFS 17-55 mm, 55 mm, f/4.0, 1/640, ISO 2000

I took this photo of Lily in her pretty red skirt. It kind of looks like a tutu, don’t you think? Maybe she will start dance lessons soon! You can see some of the other photos here. The skirt is a tulle fabic with hearts and a satin lining – very nice. She is looking at Papi (Willie) here and she absolutely adores him. I would say it is very mutual. I took these without a flash so I had to use a high ISO. It produced a lot of grain/noise. I was able to run my anti-noise software and take care of that. I also did a levels adjustment and a slight curves tweak in Photoshop. I am getting positive feedback regarding my senior portrait photos, but so far no new orders. Maybe it is too late in the school year. Well, I will be getting out soon to take more photos. Willie thinks I should go back to doing one a day. Now that Spring is here and the weather will be getting better, that is probably a good idea.
